Water Softener Reviews

The results below are available thanks to users like you who have used a water softener. Please participate in our survey after you view the results. Your feedback will help other users like you.

We only included companies for which we received surveys from at least 20 verified customers. These companies are:

Cumulative Results


Rank Brand Price
1 Z78 $395
2 Fleck $600
3 Aquasana $1,000+
4 Pelican $1,500+
5 Culligan $2,000+
6 Kinetico $2,500+
7 Rainsoft to $8,000

Value for Money

Rank Brand User Reviews
1 Z78
2 Fleck
3 Aquasana
4 Culligan
5 Kinetico
6 Pelican
7 Rainsoft


Rank Brand User Reviews
1 Z78
2 Kinetico
3 Rainsoft
4 Fleck
5 Culligan
6 Pelican
7 Aquasana


Rank Brand User Reviews
1 Z78
2 Kinetico
3 Fleck
4 Rainsoft
5 Culligan
6 Pelican
7 Aquasana


Rank Brand User Reviews
1 Kinetico
2 Culligan
3 Rainsoft
4 Fleck
5 Z78
6 Pelican
7 Aquasana

Ease of Installation

Rank Brand User Reviews
1 Z78
2 Aquasana
3 Pelican
4 Fleck
5 Kinetico
6 Culligan
7 Rainsoft

Capacity/Flow Rate

Rank Brand User Reviews
1 Z78
2 Kinetico
3 Rainsoft
4 Pelican
5 Aquasana
6 Culligan
7 Fleck

Maintenance Requirements

Rank Brand User Reviews
1 Z78
2 Pelican
3 Aquasana
4 Fleck
5 Kinetico
6 Culligan
7 Rainsoft

If you have used one of these water softener, please contact us below to participate in a survey and help us improve our statistics.

Our Research

We look for people who have already bought a water softener or are looking to buy one in the near future. We use advertisement on Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and other websites to attract users who are able to offer their feedback. We ask these people to help us by filling out a comprehensive survey 2-6 months AFTER they buy their water softener. The questions of the survey help us determine the quality and effectiveness of various brands and models of water softeners. They also help us measure customer satisfaction with the water softener they purchased.


If you bought a water softener in the past 6 months or are planning on buying one, then please help us by filling out a survey. It will benefit other users like you who are looking to find the best water softener for themselves. Your review will help them decide. Only customers who have tried out a water softener for 2-6 months may participate. You will need a valid receipt to prove your purchase. Your contribution will ultimately help product manufacturers improve their products to make them more useful and effective for buyers. If you would like to participate, please send us a message using the contact form below.

Get In Touch

Contact Details


We value your feedback and participation. Every email will be reviewed and taken into consideration. We will respond if needed within 1 business day.


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The ranking results displayed on this website are a result of cumulative statistics and reviews gathered from various sources and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of ProductSense.com or its employees or owners. Unless otherwise indicated, the information is displayed for the purpose of completing a study. It is still incomplete until the particular study and research period is concluded, after which the results will no longer be available to the public. By using this website and reviewing the information on it, you agree that the information contained herein is provided "as is" and is for information purposes only. You agree not to hold ProductSense.com or its management or owners liable for any accuracy or information errors or for any action taken or consequences resulting from reliance on any information contained herein. It is advised that you conduct your own research as to the accuracy of this information as it pertains to your own specific needs and requirements.